Pociągi japońskie2

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Please go to:  http://matsuri.pl/wydawca/nasze-artykuly/ or http://matsuri.pl/wydawca/artykuly-naszych-uczniow/ or http://matsuri.pl/wydawca/zadania-domowe/ 😀

Thank you for visits  Kohrs and question regarding  frequently updates our web site.

At present we dont’t have a regular dates for content updates. Whenever our team or student wants to publish their article (in english, polish or japanese language) we publish it 🙂
Matsuri website has got a lots of interesting articles written in polish another in english or japanese language. We like to discover interesting facts, explore them and publish.
In the future our articles written in polish language we are planning to translate to english.

Are interested in any subject regarding to Japanese, Chinese or Korean culture ?
Best regards
Matsuri Team



